Sunday, May 29, 2005

Bonnie and Clyde : Revisited

Bonnie said to Clyde one day…

“It was summer when we met.
Just one of those days you can’t forget.
Honest, upright and clean –
The nicest man I’d ever seen…
They changed you, didn’t they Clyde?

I’m happy as we are,
In our little getaway car.
The dusty trails we go on,
The bloody trails we leave behind…
Did I tell you that, red is my favourite colour?

What good would we have been
In cotton fields and gas stations?
No millions could we steal
In a world devoid of imagination.
Load your gun, I’ll wear my hat
And we will leave a mark.
No longer will we be wallflowers
Fading in the dark.”

A day later they both got caught.
Gunned and gory, their corpses were brought.
“Don’t bring me to the funeral parlour.
Bring me home” Bonnie had told her mother.

We were aboard that car
Eight decades too late, so what?
We also sang them songs
Of our freedom and our love.

They went ahead and did so many things.
We escaped and sank deeper into sin.
The motley van had left without us,
Eighty years had passed…
We discovered ourselves in a broken bus.